Children’s & Women’s Health

Safe & Sound

Safe & Sound is a leader in creating and scaling public-private partnerships to strengthen the abuse prevention and response systems in California. Safe & Sound also supports families living in vulnerable circumstances with evidence-informed services, and educates children and adults to understand and report abuse. The organization’s work runs the spectrum from powerful advocacy to direct support services, making it uniquely impactful in creating a safer society in which children thrive.

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“At the heart of Safe & Sound's mission to prevent child abuse and reduce its devastating impact, we support families living in vulnerable circumstances with evidence-informed services, educate children and adults to understand and report abuse, and partner with government and community organizations to strengthen the abuse prevention and response system.  Lisa began volunteering with our organization on our 24/7 parental stress phone support line. On the TALK Line, she helped so many families who were struggling to find childcare, living homeless, challenged raising their children. She listened, understood, and helped parents and caregivers to be the best for their children. She has been a strategic thought-partner and transformational philanthropist in the creation of many family well-being programs, including the founding of the Children’s Advocacy Center and Center for Youth Wellness in the Bayview. Through her dedication, passion and commitment, the outcomes for so many children and their families have been dramatically improved.”

—Katie Albright, Founder and Director, Safe & Sound

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More Grantees: Children’s & Women’s Health

Solid StartPromoting health and health equity for pregnant women and families with children 0 – 3 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Solid Start

Promoting health and health equity for pregnant women and families with children 0 – 3 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Teach for AllExpanding educational opportunity around the world by increasing and accelerating the impact of social enterprises that are cultivating the leadership necessary for change

Teach for All

Expanding educational opportunity around the world by increasing and accelerating the impact of social enterprises that are cultivating the leadership necessary for change